Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Last Year's Fears

Something to look forward to in the new year! VERY excited about this upcoming show I'm curating that will take place in January 2015.

Each artist will paint something they are afraid of - a personal fear they wish to overcome

Monday, December 08, 2014

And the laughter continues...

Hope you all had a great weekend! Here is more development from the 'THAT LAUGH!' painting still in progress...

Friday, December 05, 2014

KICKFLIP - exhibit up till end of December 2014

  Just a reminder, all the works from KICKFLIP, the skateboard art show at Galerie Abyss, will now be on display until the end of this month. Several of the works are still available. You can also view the whole show online here:

This is a photo I took of the underpainting during the process of the クッキー·モンスター (Cookie Monster) skateboard painting (left) and printed digital color mockup (right).

Monday, December 01, 2014

XXI (21th Century) art auction at IEGOR

Tomorrow night, I have two works in an auction called 'XXI' (21st Century) at IEGOR, international auction house, featuring only contemporary works. You can join us and 'get your bid on', or check out all the available works from the show by clicking the image above.

Also, I'm sending out a new newsletter tomorrow. If you want updates before anyone else, you can sign up here: