Saturday, December 16, 2006

Although, it wasn't a landmark film, "Nails" the spider from the film "Cool World" is definitely one of my favorite cartoon characters of all time. Recently, I watched the film "Christmas in Tattertown" (another Bakshi production) and there is a character in it whom I am sure was the precursor to Nails. This page was drawn under that influence.

Another Background Painting

Layout supplied by Animation Instructor Rick Knowles, painted by me in Gouache.


Hi, I haven't posted in awhile. Here is something new.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Character Development

There is a certain kind of energy that arises when you search for what you want to say on paper. I challenge myself to draw as much as I can on a single page to maintain that energy and improve my previous design.

Sunday, October 29, 2006


This is a character I've been working on for years. His name is Snide.


Drawn from ceramic statues from a museam in Halifax.