This is the final painting I did for the Economy Shoe Shop Show. TODAY and TOMORROW are the LAST DAYS to see the work if you still haven't. The idea for this painting came from a converstion with another artist I admire when he jokingly stated unicorns were not fit to paint. The painting was floating around in my head for about two and a half months before I was able to paint it and it SOLD before I even hung it up on the wall! 'Sad Unicorn', acrylic on wood panel, 9"x12"
Join me the evening of SATURDAY MARCH 6th 2010 for the opening of my month long show at the Paragon Theatre! (http://www.theparagontheatre.com/) That evening, I'll be presenting my new work and later making a very special painting LIVE to the audience! Included in that show are a series of brand new never before seen paintings all related to an enviromental theme. See you there!