Monday, August 20, 2012

'The Expediency Factor' process

Here are some photos I found recently that I meant to post earlier and never did of the painting 'The Expediency Factor' 

Below is the entire painting process of the image:

This is a blown up photocopy of the final image in the exact dimensions of the final painting. I drew all 3 characters separately and then composited them later. By drawing Two-Face first, I was able to enlarge and photocopy both of his shoulders to ensure the smaller character's feet were properly planted.
Very seldom do I paint on canvas now. I prefer painting on wood panel. This is what is looks like before literally any marks are made.
After doing the base coat, transferring the drawing and outlining the characters with ink.
Blocking in the atmosphere. You'll note the digital rough color version above to keep me on track (and save a lot of time!).
Blocking in Two-Face's ...uh, faces. I'll paint to the lines and re-ink them because it's easier to see, but also so the drawing doesn't become lost.
Starting the highlights.
Blocking in the suit.
The head is just about done.
Strengthening highlights on his blazer.
The coin was painted in iridescent stainless steel paint which mimics the sheen of an actual coin quite nicely. You'll also notice I still haven't painted in Two-Face's pupils. This is to insure the eye direction between him and Jiminy is achieved - very important!
Refining the atmosphere around the characters. This will determine the highlights and colors.

Hot Stuff progression.

Finally added in the pupils!

Figuring out Hot Stuff's shadow.

Getting the detail and perspective right of the coin.

The final product! (It's quite a process - but I enjoy the whole experience. This painting took a month to do.) 'The Expediency Factor', Acrylic and ink on wood panel, 20"x24", 2012

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